Tahini Rose Spiced Cookies

Tahini Rose Spiced Cookies


I made my way to whipping up these Tahini Rose Spiced Cookies while I had another Ayurvedic inspired dish on the stove  yesterday. I was craving a cheeky little cookie with not too much fuss.

I found this recipe by Cara of the Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook. The following recipe is very much based on that one, with a bit of Shakti love and spice. Thank you Cara you Genius.

You don’t need the Rose powder or the spices listed so don’t despair, whatever warming spices you have or just Cinnamon + Vanilla will be great too. You could also add some grated citrus zest also.

Black Tahini would work, as would another sweetener syrup but maple is just delicious and cuts through the sesame taste well. Warning, you must love Sesame for this one!

Sesame are suggested in Ayurveda to support Ojas in the body and also a great bio available form of calcium. While there is egg in the recipe, there is no dairy or gluten so it’s a win for ease and goodness.

The Goodness:

1/4 cup Almond Flour (or ground whole almonds)

1/4 tsp  Sea Salt (best quality you can find)

1/2 tsp baking soda (bi carb soda)

1/2 tsp vanilla powder or paste

1/4 tsp ceylon cinnamon

1/4 tsp lavender (culinary or organic fresh)

3/4 tsp rose powder

1/8 tsp nutmeg ground

1 cardamon pod (seeded and ground with mortar + pestle)

3/4 cup Hulled Tahini Paste

1/3 cup maple syrup

1 egg, lightly beaten

sesame seeds for rolling the dough

Making the Goodness:

It is so simple folks. Heat oven to 175 C

  • Mix together in one bowl all the dry ingredients and whisk well (numbers 1-8)
  • Mix together all the wet ingredients (the last 3)
  • Add the wet ingredients to the dry, it may be a little runny but work it well with a silicone spatula.
  • If the dough feels a little runny pop the bowl in the freezer for about 15mins – it won’t harden fully so you can leave as long as you like, even until next day.

When you are ready to bake.

  • Line 1-2 baking sheets with parchment paper when you are ready to bake.
  • When the dough has hardened up a little, pour a few tablespoons of sesame seed into a small bowl.
  • Roll dough into tablespoon ish size balls, drop into the sesame and roll them around, then flatten slightly and place on tray. Repeat with as much of dough as you want to use, I did them over 2 days and then I could have fresh warm cookies. This is a resilient dough.
  • Bake for 12-13 mins. It’s really oven dependant – until they are just firm to touch.
  • Cool + transfer to a cooling rack.
  • Eat as soon as they are firm enough to handle, this isn’t a crispy cookie, rather slightly crispy on outside and soft in centre.

I hope you love them as much as me!

Enjoy my friends and if you make this and share on social media or on your blog,  please be sure to tag in @nourishedandnurtured thank you.

A little added note:

This cookie tastes wonderful alongside our herbal tea offering, the Alchemy 36 Soothing Tisane, a nurturing blend of Peppermint, Rose, Tulsi + Nettle – You can grab a pouch here if you feel so inclined my friends.

Tahini Rose Spiced CookiesTahini Rose Spiced Cookies

Fermented Whole Spelt + Khorasan Bread

This bread is without a doubt a staple on my catering and private menus and in my house – it’s easy, it’s fermented and it has so many options for infusing with flavours and swapping out grains. Often I find that people with gluten intolerance (not allergy) usually find they can eat this.

You can put this recipe into one loaf pan or 3 mini loaf pans. Perfect.

My favourite mix of grains is either Wholemeal Spelt + Khorasan (also known as Kamut* ) or Wholemeal Spelt + Rye.

Here I have put parsley stalks, leaves + macerated sun-dried tomatoes through the loaf and topped it with tomato + chia but the options are endless.

Some great infusions through the bread would be:

– loads of fresh Rosemary + Thyme

– Olive tapenade paste

– Slow roasted garlic

– Grated carrot

– Diced Parmesan Cheese Caramlised Onion

You just fold through the additions from beginning unless they are an ingredient that will spoil, in that case fold through before adding to the pan.

Read through the recipe a few times it looks like a lot but it isn’t, for new bakers it’s always a good idea to read through and get yourself set up before you start.

The Goodness:

260 g  Wholemeal Spelt

260 g  Khorasan

1 tsp   Sea Salt

1 tsp   Coconut Sugar or Rapadura or Raw Sugar – do not omit

1 tsp   Yeast I use powdered for ease

approx 2-3 cups of filtered water

Making the Goodness:

  • Weigh up the flours, add the salt and whisk together.

Now to the only tricky part and it is important –

  • In a plastic or glass bowl  add the yeast and sugar and 1/2 cup of cold water, mix and then add up to another 1/2 cup or so of boiling water ensuring the water does not end up much more than just above lukewarm to touch
  • conversely you can make up a 50/50 mix of water in another bowl until you get the desired temp – too hot it will kill the yeast – too cold it will not start the yeast – and then add that to the yeast and sugar totalling 1 cup.
  • I have a lamp in my kitchen and I place it under that and it starts to bloom and froth and is ready in about 10 minutes, if it is warm in your kitchen that helps. I have found the 1 cup method works well to start the yeast, I actually do the mixing in a 1 cup measuring cup – and then add that to the dough see this photo, this is what you are aiming for.
  • You could also turn your oven on low as possible and place the bowl in the oven with the door open to activate the yeast

  • Once bloomed add to the flours and then keep adding water until the dough starts to come together – this will differ depending on your grains. Mixing with a silicone spatula, scraping the sides and working the dough a little, this is a wet dough. You can add a little more flour and start to knead on the bench too, but the no knead option works beautifully too.
  • Once the dough is wet and your herbs etc are mixed through place in a lightly oiled stainless or glass bowl and seal with cling film – you want the dough to ferment and be sealed in., This can continue for up to 36 hours or for as little as overnight. I find 24 hours is great, this photo is before I have covered it.



  •  After at least 12 hours though 24hours or so is great, bring the mix together with your spatula and spoon into a parchment lined loaf pan, sprinkle and garnish as desired or not, and if the dough is light and well fermented you can put straight into a cold oven and turn it up to 160C convection and bake for 50 – 65 mins checking at 50mins. If it feels light and springy it is done.
  • If you didn’t do the long ferment you may need to let the dough rise again in the pan before cooking, to expedite this put in the cold oven with the light on. Once it is close to about an inch or more from rim of pan you are good to go. Same temps and same time for baking.


  • Once the bread is done, remove from the pan with the parchment paper and then remove from parchment paper to a cookie airing rack or the bread will sweat.
  • Let cool before cutting and then drizzle or dip as desired, I drizzled freshly made ghee onto this loaf and it was sublime.


Enjoy, if you make this and share on social media or on your blog,  please be sure to tag in @nourishedandnurtured thank you!


* Khorasan wheat, like emmer/farro, einkorn, and spelt, is an ancient variety of wheat meaning that it has been largely unchanged by breeding over the last several hundred years.

It has a sweet, nutty, buttery flavor  and some consumers who thought they were sensitive to modern wheat report that this ancient wheat variety seems easier to digest, causing less gastrointestinal distress or inflammation than they typically experience with the non ancient strains of wheat products.

I use Khorasan from Demeter Farm Mill in Australia as that is stocked by my supplier, in the USA Bob’s Red Mill is an excellent choice both working with traditional milling practices.

Roasted Pumpkin + Sweet Potato Soup with Kaffir Lime + Lemongrass Infusion

Serves 6-8

The Goodness

500g               Pumpkin peeled + cubed (all types work well)

800g               Sweet Potato peeled + cubed

150g                Carrot, peeled + cubed

1 Large           Turnip, peeled + cubed

150g                Brown Onion, finely chopped

10g                  Garlic peeled,  finely chopped

10g                  Ginger peeled, finely chopped

2                      Coriander root stem, chopped

5                      Fresh Kaffir Lime Leaf-spine removed, finely chopped

1 1/2 tsp         Coriander Powder, plus extra

1/2 tsp            Lemongrass Powder, plus extra

1/2 tsp            Black Pepper Ground

4 TLBS            Coconut Oil, refined is best + extra

1 TLBS            Vegetable Stock Paste

10 cups           Filtered Water

Handful          Coriander Leaves


Making the Goodness

Heat oven to 180C Fan Forced. Rub Sweet Potato + Pumpkin in a few tsps. Extra Coconut Oil and a few tsps. of extra mixed lemongrass and coriander powders. Bake on lined trays until soft and browned.  Cool.

In a large heavy based pot, sweat the onions, garlic, carrot, ginger, coriander root, kaffir lime + spices until soft and fragrant. To sweat coat the ingredients well with the coconut oil over a medium heat, then reduce to low and cover with lid. This keeps the moisture in and softens all the ingredients. Sweat stirring occasionally for 15 mins.

Add Turnip, Roast Root Veg, Stock Paste and water.

Bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer with lid slightly ajar. Add more water if you need.

Once softened and all melding together you can puree with a stick blender or leave slightly chunky. Add coriander at puree stage, or add chopped if you are leaving chunky so it has nice flecks of herb through the soup.

The Garnishes

The garnishes I have used here are some cashew creme drizzled with a fresh herb oil, and crushed nuts and seeds.

You could also add some yoghurt or coconut yoghurt instead of the cashew creme – and drizzle olive oil or some avocado oil.

Enjoy this warming nourishment.


I will post a blog about making the fresh green herb oils soon! They are a fave of mine for sure!


Alchemy Supergreens Popcorn Balls

These little morsels of goodness can be created into bars (a slab if you will) or formed into balls or even mini bites with a silicone mini muffin pan.

The green comes from the Alchemy 09 Supergreens so there is anti inflammatory green goodness as a bonus.

If you don’t have any Supergreens on hand you can grab some via the online store here.

There are 3 sizes to choose from the premium available in the amazing Miron Glass.



The Goodness

  • 2-3 teaspoons Alchemy 09 Supergreens
  • 1/2 cup corn, for popping
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil, for popping
  • 1/2 cup macadamia nut butter  or any nut butter you have on hand
  • 1/2 cup coconut butter
  • 1/4 – 1/3 cup rice malt syrup, coconut nectar, raw honey or maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1/3 cup coconut cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, powder
  • 50-100 grams of good quality dark chocolate

Making the Goodness

Pop the corn in the coconut oil over medium heat with lid on saucepan, be careful not to burn, then set aside.

In saucepan over low heat combine the nut butter, coconut butter, sweetener syrup, coconut oil, coconut cream, and spices.

Stir with wooden spoon or spatula until well combined and as smooth as possible (it will be textured from the butters) only using enough warmth to get the mixture loose, no warmer than blood temperature.

Mix through the Shakti’s Superfood Blend®, add more if you don’tmind the taste, it makes the mix a deep dark green.

Add the popped corn to a large mixing bowl and using a silicone spatula scrape in the green mixture. At this point either use the spatula or your hands to well coat the popcorn, it will be
a little sticky and gooey.

Shape into balls or into patty cases, and refrigerate until firm.

While the bombs are setting melt the chocolate over double boiler, then drizzle over the set bombs lightly and then re-chill.

These become chewy corn not crisp, and have been a hit with
all that have tried them. Quite an unusual and fun way to get your greens into your belly, and I promise kids will love them too!


Kaffir Lime Caramel Amaranth Slice

Lavender Vanilla Spelt Shortbread

Mung Bean + Amaranth Kitchari w/ Spinach